18 June 2011

Red Shells, Green Shells and TMS

Why hello!

So I'm currently visiting my father up near Grantham - it's nice to get out of the city for a few days (plus, you know, if they feed me I don't have to buy food). I'm here on pretence of helping out with some work in his garden and the sheds (well, they're outbuildings really). You see, because Dad is away for just over half the year, the house in the UK is neglected for all of 6 months of the year and hence there's always work to do here.

So at the moment we're limbering up for the day playing Mario Kart on his Wii, before booting up and rebuilding his garage door, rebuilding the garden gate and possibly digging up the front flower beds. On order for the weekend is recombobulating the workshop-shed and some paving (though, we'll have to wait for the rain to subside before we can lay much of that). This is very much why I enjoy visiting Dads - there's always stuff you need to be building and fixing and digging. It appeals to the manly-man side of me.

So between gardening, sawing, Mario Kart and the Cricket... you're lucky you got a post at all today. Still, it's not like me to neglect my blog, even in the face of manly-go-build-stuff things.

Also, there's a geocache up near the village I fully intend to nip out and log :)


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