Well, here we are.
Much unknown to people, I've actually been gearing up to restarting blogging for a while. I let my old blog die out somewhat sadly during flying training. This I feel was generally a bad thing, so I decided that I would set up a blog on an entirely more free platform. This is that.
One has to ask oneself very carefully why one wishes to blog. One cannot just wade in, splurge into a WYSIWYG editor and hope that people will read and/or care. Well, at least I can't. I like the idea of blogging for the same reason I like the idea of going to the pub with friends who have opinions that differ from me - I just love to rant. However, a drive to rant isn't enough to keep a flame lit under one's desire to blog, so what else is it that continually drags me to the keyboard in the wee silly hours? I do enjoy writing, one cannot write and not enjoy writing. I'm drawn to the idea that I can take the crazy ideas from my head and place them out into the world. Sure, I'm one of hundreds of thousands who have the same drive, we're awash with content generation in this new age of internet and expression - and though much may be dismissed as tosh, the mindless outpourings of those with nothing to say and all the will in the world to say it, we must remember that these people don't write for us to read, they don't write to have their writings become popular. They write because they want to.
All this aside, I've not even approached the reason why I specifically came to the decision to pour myself onto the digital page. I blog to remind me that something happens to me every day and be dammed if I'm going to snuffle all this experience up and watch it slowly dissolve into past years and vage remembrances. I write because in a few years I'll look back and think "yeah, I remember that". I blog because I hope someone else may read something, some little thing and think "yeah, I've had that, I've been there, I've felt that".
Of course, the real trick is keeping on blogging.
My schedule for updates is the same as my schedule for new uploads for Flickr, or for working on any number of little projects I have on the go - when I feel like I have a post in me, I'll create one. Obviously, I've all the will in the world to make these updates regular, but we'll see.
So, Welcome, reader.
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